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GPG signatures for download

This page lists all GPG signatures we have collected for this file. To check the integrity of download, you need the public key of whoever made the signature. Those keys can usually be found on key servers, like They will let you search keys by name, email address or key ID.

Once you have that key imported in GnuPG, there are two ways to check the signature:

  1. use your mouse to highlight the signature (everything including "-----BEGIN" ... "-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----")
  2. type
    $ gpg --verify - $filename
    then copy & paste the signature and press Ctrl+D. GnuPG should now tell you that the signature is OK.

If that's too much clicking, you can download the signature (using the "download this signature" link), storing it in the same directory as download, then use this command to check:
$ gpg --verify $filename.asc $filename